Gujarat Mahila Utkarsh Yojana – [Zero Percent Interest Rate Loan Scheme]

By | April 5, 2021

Gujarat Mahila Utkarsh Yojana – [Zero Percent Interest Rate Loan Scheme]

After all, the Gujarat government today has details about the ‘Gujarat Mahila Utkarsh Yojana’, under which more than 10 lakh women will be given development at zero rate.

On the Prime Minister’s birthday, the Gujarat government will benefit more than 10 lakh women in the province

A total of 10 lakh mothers and sisters of 1 lakh women’s circles in the province will get the benefit of Mukhyamantri Mahila Utkarsh Yojana.

On September 17, the Prime Minister will unveil the Mahila Utkarsh Yojana for the Mahila Andolan

The scheme will be unveiled by Prime Minister Vijay Rupani on September 17 on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday. Under this arrangement, the national government will spend Rs. 175 crore plan for this arrangement.

About 1,000,000 women, most of whom are socially strong (10 women in each women’s union) will be covered under this arrangement. Public time for each woman is Rs. T / 1 lakh cash for guaranteeing public office fees, subsidiary banks, private banks and record companies by RBI.

The system will sell about 500,000 women in the country and an estimated number of women in the metropolitan area. This arrangement will be made by the Gujarat Livelihood Promotion Organization working under the Rural Development Department in the Government of Gujarat.

In large parts of the metropolitan area, a similar scheme will be finalized by the Gujarat Urban Livelihood Mission regarding the obstruction under the State Urban Development Division.

A large number of women will believe in this program

Urban Development Department’s Gujarat Urban Lively Hood Mission will be conducted in metropolitan areas.

The Mulamantri Mahila Utkarsh Yojana will be considered to fulfill the dreams of millions of government sisters to live with confidence.

Read in Gujarati:- Click Hear

Thai Sachem will be launched on September 19 by State cum Vijay Rupani. It is Narendra Modi’s birthday.


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